Friday, July 18, 2008

Shakira Rockin' Concert Doll By Mattel (Camoflage)

Shakira Doll from the Rockin' Concert Series
Customer Review: shakira is a belly dancer
my sister is six she loves shakira you should really put a picture thank you suany

BACKGROUND HISTORY: The first musical bands originated in New Orleans among black musicians who have traditionally been the innovators. The first jazz record ever recorded was by The Original Dixieland Jazz Band in 1917, and of course they were white because racism always rears its ugly head to hold black people back. But during the Roaring 20's, young white people couldn't resist the dance beat laid down by the black jazz bands. Fletcher Henderson, a black man, became the first band leader to achieve national fame possibly because he featured Louis Armstrong on trumpet. Duke Ellington, a classicly trained musician, brought a level of style and sophistication to jazz that hadn't been seen before. But it wasn't until 1935 that jazz bands with a "swing beat" achieved national attention due to Benny Goodman who I think was the best clarinet player ever to blow air into that instrument. Benny also had the good sense and taste to bring the first great drummer, Gene Krupa, into his band.

When rock and roll exploded into human consciousness during the early 1950's, black musicians like Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, and Smokey Robinson pioneered the way, but a white DJ named Alan Freed is believed to have coined the term "rock and roll". The first real rock and roll record was "Shake, Rattle and Roll", written by Jesse Stone who was black and recorded by Big Joe Turner who was also black but it wasn't a hit. The first big hit rock and roll record was "Rock Around the Clock" written by James Meyers and Max Freeman of obvious ancestry, and that one catapulted Bill Haley and his Caucasian Comets to stardom. During the 1950's and early 60's, there were countless "do wop" groups, rock groups, singers and songwriters but until The Beatles hit the charts, there had been very few bands which contained talented songwriters. The vast majority of jazz and rock bands recorded songs written by songwriters who were not performers, with occasional exceptions like Duke Ellington and Buddy Holly. As time goes on, it's increasingly clear that Lennon/McCartney songs are brilliant classics which will never be forgotten. Now here's why The Beatles are the most creative band of all time:


As I sit here writing this at the keyboard of my computer facing the unique and colorful Beatles poster in my bedroom, I'm aware that I have been directly and indirectly inspired by John Lennon's music as well as by the way he lived his life offstage. Squarely in front of me is a full color poster of all four Beatles standing in a heavenly-like flower garden at about the time of the Abbey Road album. Paul is angelic in his pink suit with a white laced shirt. John is enigmatic peering out from the background. George is charismatic staring directly into the camera from the lower right. Ringo is on the left with a stylish blue suit and his pink ruffled shirt. I always wished I could dress like those guys but obviously there's a bit of a problem with a money differential there. Surrounding this gorgeous poster which I have never seen elsewhere are my 45 speed original Beatles hit records, including I Want to Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Please Please Me, Twist and Shout, Can't Buy Me Love, She's A Woman, Yesterday, and of course, Hey Jude. And surrounding all that is a chain of 1-1/2" long orange flicker flame lights which are the most beautiful and unique Christmas lights I've ever seen. I chose to decorate the wall directly in front of my work station this way because, as I've written elsewhere on this site several times, the Beatles were my major musical influence and having them on the wall in front of me inspires me to write web pages like this one. I was also among the millions of people who were inspired by how The Beatles were actually living their off stage lives. The Beatles' music creatively stimulated millions of people to change the way they were living, and The Beatles behavior encouraged people to have fun by trying new life style experiences. That's what I call a perfect example of FORM = CONTENT. In this case it means that the creatively and masterfully varied music The Beatles were producing (form) embodied the real life styles which each of the four Beatles were living (content), together as a band as well as separately as unique individuals.


This should be self-evident, but just because Paul McCartney has the title of the most popular songwriter in history doesn't necessarily make him the best songwriter in history. The qualities which do make both Paul and John the best songwriters in history go beyond writing the greatest number of catchy classic songs. "Catchy" means that their melodies and lyrics are instantly memorable. "Classic" means that they stand the test of time. But both Paul and John wrote very sophisticated melodies that moved beyond the simple groups of 2, 4 and 8 patterned phrases used by almost all other songwriters. John and Paul's melodies soared, floated, cascaded, dived and peaked with true dynamics, naturally following the syllabic lyric patterns - but not always. Sometimes the melodic and lyric patterns were independent of each other, almost counterpoint in nature, and as a songwriter, they never ceased to astonish me with their brilliance and originality. In the beginning, their lyrics were simple and their songs were simple love songs. But they soon began exploring new territory by writing about subjects that hadn't been covered before. Inspired by Bob Dylan, they wrote true poetry with feeling and depth, using evocative and unusual words. Rubber Soul marked the beginning of their evolution as mature songwriters, Revolver was a break-out album, and Sergeant Pepper was an historic landmark album in terms of new and innovative songwriting as well as production. Every song they wrote was significantly different from the last one even though each song had their unmistakable sound.

Most songwriters are only average players on their instruments, but John and Paul are both sophisticated guitarists who were able to integrate their playing into their songs and even into their song structure so that the "licks" they played became as catchy a part of their songs as the choruses and verses. Blackbird and Dear Prudence are only two examples of songs which couldn't possibly be written by any other songwriter because of the guitar playing which forms an integral part of the song structure. In similar fashion, Lady Madonna is the best example of a great song which derives from the unique and beautiful bass part which only Paul could possibly have created.

Average songwriters achieve the catchy quality by repeating a phrase endlessly or by beating a chorus to death. John and Paul found countless ways to be memorable without ever overly repeating something. The only time they repeated something over and over again for a long time was in Hey Jude, and what they chose to repeat is so gorgeous that one can only wish they had never ended the song. The Beatles were my biggest musical influence and I used to think, "If I could write just one song that's as good as John and Paul's worst song, I'd be happy." People tell me I accomplished that goal and they say one good example is John is Alive, which is my sincere tribute to Sir Lennon.


Even Ringo could sing when he got a little help from his friends who lived in the yellow submarine. But to say that Paul and John are two of the best singers in rock and roll is to state the obvious. Combining John, Paul and George created the best harmony vocals the world has ever experienced. Even their two part harmonies were unusual, catching us all by surprise on their first hit record with the fast harmony melisma in the chorus of I Want to Hold Your Hand. John had a knack of placing a unique low harmony line underneath Paul's high melody line so as to form a second melody which created unusual harmony effects. He did that right from the beginning in the verses of She Loves You. Both Paul and John could blast out screaming rock and roll (i.e. Long Tall Sally and Twist and Shout), and both could break our hearts with touching, deep feeling ballads (i.e. Yesterday and Julia). There seems to be no end to their emotional vocal range, and John even explored the heights of vocal psychedelia in songs like She Said (Revolver) and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.


Paul brought a new style of melodic playing to the bass guitar, reaching a new high of creativity on Sergeant Pepper with a level of sophistication never heard before. Many other musicians besides me recognize Paul as being one of the best bass guitar players ever. George is underrated as a lead guitarist by people with average or below average musical knowledge or ability, but most guitarists (including Eric Clapton) know better. George's strength is in melody, pure and simple. It would be difficult to find a George Harrison lead which is not melodic, and each of his leads has a strong beginning, a stronger middle and a well defined ending. In fact, that's Eric's definition of what makes a good guitar lead. George continually developed new guitar sounds for each Beatles song. John and Paul are also excellent guitarists and both recorded great leads as well as innovative rhythm tracks. All three of the Beatles guitarists may lack showy technical fireworks but they make that definition of guitar mastery irrelevant by overwhelming the senses with creativity, style, and pure melody. The exact same thing can be said about John and Paul's keyboard playing. Ringo may be underrated as a drummer by the public but he is not underrated by other professional drummers. Ringo mastered the art of drum sounds. No drummer has ever recorded so many different sounds on so many different sounding records. Ringo invented a new style of slow drum playing, epitomized on A Day in the Life and Strawberry Fields Forever. John said many times, "Ringo has the best back beat in the business" and the successful studio drummers understand why John was correct.


A good definition of charisma needs to include "an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion" and "a personal attractiveness which enables a person to influence others". No musical group prior to or after The Beatles features true charisma emanating strongly from the entire group as well as separately from each member. The Beatles stunned the world with their photogenic quality, their charm, their bubbling and lovable personalities, their cuteness and their unique style. Even before The Beatles achieved fame, people in Liverpool were imitating their haircuts, the way they dressed, the way they behaved, and the way they lived. Such a simple subliminal message about smoking marijuana got communicated to all the hippies who were waiting to happen without actual words ever being spoken. The Beatles had a lot to lose by being explicit on that subject, but they successfully avoided trouble by keeping it very subtle while at the same time clear enough so that we all got it. The Fab Four kept changing their styles rapidly, almost with each album cover, and soon the message became one of explicit spiritualism. After visiting India, The Beatles introduced eastern mysticism and meditation to the Western world for the first time through the mass media. John's long saga with internal angst, drugs, spiritualism, politics, personal battles, and ultimately his marriage to Yoko played out like a movie the whole world got to watch in fascination. Paul's happy life with Linda, George's great focus on meditation, and Ringo's equanimity throughout were all perfect examples of the power, the truth, and the effectiveness of true charisma.


Need I say it? Ask the millions of girls who were screaming and fainting at the very sight of them. "The Boys" didn't move like Elvis or dance like Mick, they just stood there shaking their "mop top" heads around, smiling, laughing, and looking gorgeous as they performed great music and that was it. On their first visit to America, some enterprising weirdo from New York City managed to cut up the hotel bed sheets The Beatles had slept on into 1" square pieces, and these things were actually sold to girls over the public airwaves by adult DJ's on the AM radio stations who should have known better. The Beatles phenomenon went way beyond the rock and roll sex star status that had been seen before. Teenage girls in uncountable numbers fell in love, their hearts to be trapped, their heart strings to be continually plucked, and ultimately, their hearts to be broken by the unobtainable object of their love. Worshiping a star from afar? Infatuation? Obsession? Not real love? For many of them, it was their first experience feeling love for a man/boy. Whatever it was, it was very real to all of them, and we all soon understood that The Beatles were The Real Thing.

That's why I call The Beatles the Most Creative Band of All Time. They were The Real Thing. The Creative Zenith. The high point on the bell curve of musical history.

Peter Cross is a singer/songwriter/producer/Web Master. You can find this article at: The Beatles are the Most Creative Band of All Time and his home page at: Rock and Roll with an Immortal Soul. The "best of Peter Cross CD is A Hard Day at The Orifice. All work protected by Library of Congress Registration No. TXu1-257-177.

latin music downloads

Santa Fe Chamber Music 1998; Spanish Village by William Lumpkins,27 in. x 21 in.

  • Artist: William Lumpkins
  • Title: Santa Fe Chamber Music 1998; Spanish Village
  • Frame: None
  • Image Dimensions: 27 in. W x 21 in. H

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Theater, I think, is probably the most understated area of the Arts. So much these days is on the big screen and DVD's now that maybe we have forgotten just what amazing writing and acting actually takes place each day on the stage.

There are some amazing stage shows, most start off in London and then tour the country, some run for a period of time and then come back again a few years later just as good and just as popular.

I remember my first theater experience being a pantonmine... ok, this is in a different category to other brilliant shows but I thoroughly enjoyed it as do most children... but unlike most children nowadays I have continued to go to the theater having seen some fabulous stage shows.

I really do think that as children grow they should be exposed more to the theatre, everyone has different tastes, I personally enjoy musicals, others enjoy the serious and dark but lets all try to experience more of them.

I have seen Saturday Night Fever in London, Oliver, Tommy... don't want to bore with a list of all the rest but I have thoroughly enjoyed every one.

I would love to take my daughter to see The Lion King, I would like her to have a good first experience at the theatre and I have heard good things about it.

I want to see Dirty Dancing, I have heard mixed reviews on this one, some say the film is better others have really liked it... now I am a huge fan of the film and although I don't want to ruin my opinion of the film I would like the opportunity to decide for myself so this, I think will be my next ticket purchase.

Whatever your taste in theatre, remember to go, take your kids and enjoy the writing talent that is out there.

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There are literally 100 pages of theatre tickets to choose from so you really will find a show that suits your taste.

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best salsa music

Coldplay 8X10 Framed And Matted Color Photo

This is a beautifully framed and matted 8x10 glossy photograph. Total size is approximately 12x15 inches. This framed and matted photograph will look wonderful in any room of your house. Ready to hang right when you take it out of the box!

As with any competition Kimmie is involved in, I usually don't watch until after I've read about the results; or I can fast forward my "Tivo" to the scores to see her standings. Then I decide how to watch that particular event. But this competition was unusual, I had no choice but to endure the anticipation of being in the crowd; part of it. However, it was still too nerve wrecking to watch.

Kimmie was the last to skate. Once she had performed, she sat patiently awaiting her scores. However, her body language spelled anticipation; meanwhile, the commentators, while the viewers and the audience were on an edge, felt compelled to comment on Kimmie's past performances, from the good ones to her recent "disasters." Soon everyone stood, wondering what was taking so long; I heard some people say that they were tabulating the scores, while others said they were counting her jumps. This part alone should have told me something was strange because this is not the norm.

A reporter came to the crowd speaking on behalf of Kimmie, proudly saying how he knew she had it in her, when another one of Kimmie's fans pulled out a recent article written by this fellow discrediting Kimmie. Anticipation had kept me from watching Kimmie's actual performance. It meant too much. However, my gut reaction was that she had won! I started to dance around, some people chanted with me, others clapped. While some glared. The scores had not come out yet. However, there was this feeling in me that she had won! After all she is a winner!

Soon after the party had simmered down, there was a disquiet in the large arena; Kimmie was being interviewed. She had regained her "World Title." It was exhilarating.

latin music com

No Comment

Customer Review: vocables in unison with jazz piano - nice!
Nice jazz outing! Often, Tania sings the melody line with vocables in unison with the piano an octave or two higher. She phrases her voice melodies like any other wind instrument, say, sax or flute. There are no lyrics and no "solos," scatting or instrumental. She and her small group get a groove going - maybe funky, maybe bluesy, maybe a bit of swing, maybe a bit of bossa feel - then sings/plays a catchy melody on top. It would be classified as a jazz recording, the "Brazil feel" comes out a bit but is not predominant composition, arrangement, or performance. Very nice music.
Customer Review: DON'T judge this album by it's COVER !
I was just scanning brazilian jass stuff one day and came upon TM by accident.WOW.At the price, I could take a chance and glad I did.This woman does not scat (if that is the right term) like Bobby Mc Ferrin---who is so obviously making crazy sounds that only embarrass me at times.......ha !Tania Maria's voice IS another insturment !Jazzy/and slightly funky...... she will MAKE you like brazilian music !

What you see - With the boom in the social scene and a considerable increase in purchasing power, the metro finally got what it desperately needed with Bottles 'n' Chimney - an exclusive night-club with plush sofas, winding staircase and thumping music.

What you get - The first level of B&C (as it is popularly known) is a quiet lounge, while the ground floor has a lot more life in it. And the bar - bang in the center of the floor - is the obvious hub of activity. There are also two tiny dance floors, one on each level, with the music being played ranging from trance and club music to remixes and Indian theme music.

The club also has a large screen put up mainly for movies and sports. In fact during FIFA, the club was transformed into a football-lover's paradise. This tradition has continued through all the sporting events that followed. In fact this was the place which set the precedent in terms of starting the pub and cricket obsession in Hyderabad by putting up large screens. B&C also holds various events including concerts, food festivals and beer-guzzling contests, to entertain its guests.

Finally, for the uninitiated, Bottles & Chimney got its name from the surnames of its owners - Sanjay Batla and Sanjay Chimnani. Now how's that for subliminal self-advertisement?

The verdict - The crowd frequenting this place consists of working professionals in the age group of 25-35. Therefore, apart from good crowd, the assets of B&C are great music, affordability and a decent variety of drinks. However, the club could do with better lighting as it has too many corners plunged in darkness.

Hyderabad Pubs has been written by Shah Barkha for MetroMela

irish dance music

Como Su Ritmo No Hay Dos

Customer Review: Pura Dinamita Get It
Absolutely essential latin music DVD. Ok, it starts nice but once it gets into YAMBU, just buckle up your seat belt because it just heavy descarga until the last number A Gozar Timbero. Along with Calle 54 and Fania in Africa (Incorrectly called Celia Cruz in Africa)indispensable videos for aghasting and open your friend jaws!!! BUT PLEASE WE NEED A DVD VERSION!!!!!
Customer Review: A must have for any latin music fans
This video is an absolute must have for anyone who considers him or herself a music fan. My only complaint is: WHERE IS THE DVD VERSION!

All social activities have rules of etiquette and social dancing is no different. There are general rules of etiquette that apply to all forms of dancingsmooth, Latin, Texas Two-step, even disco line dance. Knowing these rules will make the dance floor experience enjoyable for everyone.

Before the Dance

There is no delicate way to put this: Please practice good hygiene. Offensive body odors and bad breath are frowned upon on the dance floor. Many dance aficionados will go so far as to avoid eating certain strong foods on the days they are planning to dance. At the very least, a good shower, deodorant, and a swig of mouthwash will ensure that you dance the night away without offending your partner.

Clothing will vary by the type of event formal, semi-formal, dressy casual, even shorts but can also vary by the type of dance. You may choose to wear western wear for country line dancing, or dark themed clothing for Tango. This is not required but if you are a novice it is great way to get accepted into a new dance community. There are a few general rules that apply to all dances:

Avoid big accessories that can get caught in your partners clothing or, worse, scratch or bruise someone.

It is advisable to avoid tennis shoes or any rubber soled, spongy type shoe. These shoes tend to stick to the floor (as they are intended to); if you are executing spins and turns, you can injure an ankle or knee.

Remember that dancing will require a partner. It is not pleasant to touch someones damp, sticky skin so avoid sleeveless shirts and dresses.

Women with long hair should consider wearing it up or in a ponytail to avoid hitting a partner in the face during a spin or having your partners hand get caught in it.

Men should carry keys and loose change in their left pants pocket making it less likely to bruise their partner.

At the Dance

Before you hit the dance floor, you will need a partner. It is considered rude to dance with the same partner all night, even if it happens to be your spouse! If you came with a partner it is generally accepted that they shall have the first and last dance. It is also considered rude to dance more than two songs in a row with the same person.

When asking someone to dance, you should do so politely and accept a refusal just as politely. These days it is acceptable for men and women to ask someone to dance. If you are on the receiving end of an invitation, remember that it is rude to turn down a dance with someone and then accept an invitation from another partner during the same song.

Once a song is over, men should escort women back to their seats or to wherever they were standing prior to the dance. If someone has just finished dancing, wait until they are completely off the dance floor before inviting them back out again. Do not pounce on someone as they are leaving the dance floor.

Do not block access to the dance floor by standing and talking or moving chairs into pathways. Dance spaces are usually crowded so be considerate of others space.

Social dances are categorized into two types progressive and spot dances. Progressive dances travel the floor like the Polka, Foxtrot, and Waltz. Spot dances are typically danced in one spot and include Salsa, Rumba and East Coast Swing. Dancers move counterclockwise around the floor in progressive dances. This is known as the line of dance and is like an imaginary circle going counterclockwise. In addition to the line of dance there are two lanes, the outside or fast lane and the inside or slow lane. Dances such as the Tango, Waltz, and Foxtrot are danced in the two outer lanes. Spot dances such as the Cha Cha, Swing or slow dancing are danced in the inside lanes.

Newbie dancers should move toward the center or outer edges, depending on the style of dance. While newbies should concede more space to more experienced dancers, it is equally rude for experienced dancers to hog floor space with fancy moves which force other dancers out of the way.

By following these simple rules of dance etiquette, you are sure to have a great time dancing the night away!

This article was contributed by Master Portable Floors. Master Portable Floors is the floor of choice by professional dancers. The floors have been rated highest quality by the American Swing Dancing Association and the Ball Room Dancing Association. Master Portable Floors has a unique flex action that provides a comfortable dancing surface that reduces hip and joint injuries. To learn more about Master Portable Floors visit

latin music com

Con Mucha Potencia

Cha-Cha music is 4/4 time, and also has 4 steps to a bar of music. The last bar screams for you to step to the left and close your feet so this step has the characteristics of moving the foot to the side and closing the feet, which in turn produces the "cha-cha" sound, which is the name of the dance.

If you are having trouble understanding the basic movement of Cha-Cha which is usually said to be slow, slow, quick-quick, slow, then rephrasing it to "rock, rock, side-close, side", makes it far easier to grasp.

Most Latino dances consist of moving your step on the second beat and change the weight from one lef to the other between beats, but in cha cha your feel always move only on the first, second and fourth beats of the music. This little switch of weight makes the look and feel of the dance occur on the first and second beats, then on the third and halway through the fourth and first beat.

Count from the second beat of music to make it simple. Count "Two-Three, Cha-Cha, One" - if you know the basic movements you'll soon see this becoming meaningful.

There are more than one part to timing, TWO. There is a static metronome beat that flows though the entire track, which in turn dictates when it's time to move your feet. Another one is the actual tempo of the song. The tempo is what makes you take a certain step, pause for a period of time or how fast you should spin and turn. Understanding this will make you a preferable cha cha dancer.

You can't mistake a Cha Cha beat in a song. You hear the two slow beats and the three quicker beats. Then when you hear the quick beats you move side and close, cha cha cha.

90's dance music

Learn to Salsa Dance Video Series, Vol 1: Salsa Dancing Guide for Beginners

Never danced? No problem! Join us on the dance floor with this fantastic 2 hour salsa dance DVD. The instruction is clear & concise. The productions values are stellar, and the quality is amazing. Yes, you will be salsa dancing, with your partners, by the end of this video! It's a step-by-step approach, tailored and refined by teaching thousands upon thousands of students how to dance salsa. This video covers the very basic steps, the foundation of leading and following, and a couple of nice salsa patterns. This stellar 2 hour DVD provides everything you need to know to get yourself dancing! Purchase it today, and be dancing tomorrow.
Customer Review: No rhythm no problem
I will say this I'm Hispanic so I did know some Salsa before I purchased this DVD. I wanted to learn some advanced moves and I realized before I purchased this video that prob wasn't for me. It wasn't but it did teach me some basic concepts in general. It also taught me how to turn. I'm a natural dancer but it gave me concrete steps which I just do without thinking. That being said I do believe this will teach ANYBODY to dance. He gives so much detail and repetition there is no way you won't be able to pick it up. I love the hand tricks. Also I didn't have a partner and this a partner video. Don't buy if you have dance experience.
Customer Review: Easy to follow.
The instructions are clear and easy to follow. My husband has absolutely no rythym and he picked up the steps.

Salsa is a form of social get together of the people which celebrates dance, music and culture. It is considered to be a faction of Latin rhythmic types which contains the clave beats. Mambo, Son, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Guaracha, Merengue, Songo, Timba and few others are some of the most recognized form of salsa. Salsa is the only among Latin genres to have come back and inclined West African tune.

Salsa has become gaining more and more recognition now. A lot of institutions have been opened to teach this form of dance. In fact, few marriages in NYC demands a salsa dance by the newly wedded couple. Many events are organized every year to host salsa in New York. The salsa festival is generally organized in the spirit of friendship and fun and the affection of dancing. In order to make the salsa festival a grand one, you should always look for a perfect venue to host the event. Some of the superb venues for salsa of tango event in New York are:

The Burgess Hall: It is the premier venue in Cambridgeshire. It has a sufficient free car parking area and is completely air-conditioned. It has a great semi-spung dance floor and other facilities.

Rush: 579 6th Avenue, New York City. It is a huge event ground that organizes brilliant events like salsa and tango. The entry fee is kept low.

Columbus 72: 246 Columbus Avenue in NYC. This venue is very famous and is among the best place to host a salsa or tango night. The place is completely air-conditioned. It offers brilliant services and facilities to the organizers and to the people.

Plumm: This venue was basically made to host salsa events. It has huge dancing floor with live music and great DJs.

A lot of fantastic salsa event venues have come up in last few years. Some of them are LQs, Gonzalez y Gonzalez, Club Iguana, The Red Lounge, Vudu Lounge and SOB's.

Salsa is a very beautiful form of dance. The slow motion dance touches your soul when you see others performing. The feeling you get is, excellent!

Mario Stewart has a passion to write about New York City and the bars, restaurants and salsa in the city. He is internationally popular for providing the most apt reviews about the salsa in New York City You may visit one of his websites about salsa in NYC to find more details.

latin jazz music

Back to the Start

'Coldplay: Back To The Start' is the first complete and unauthorized DVD of the band to be released. From their earliest days, through to lead singer Chris Martin's constant insecurities and the struggles to hold the band together, this DVD brings the st
Customer Review: What a complete waste
I'm blown away by how worthless this DVD is. Imagine you're putting together about a DVD about a band. You'd probably include interviews w/ band members, live and/or recording footage, maybe some behind the scenes footage of the band. This DVD has ABSOLUTELY NONE of that. It's all interviews with random people, most of whom don't know the band. "Parachutes is a great debut album. It shipped X number of copies." What a complete waste of $15. I'm a huge fan of the band, so if I can't appreciate this DVD, you won't either.
Customer Review: Absolute rubbish
When I bought this, I rushed home to watch it - I was that excited. I started to fast forward after 25 minutes because it was simply awful. None of the band members were directly featured in the documentary. The people interviewed were loosely associated with the band from the past but nobody of particular relevance. For instance, they interview some people that used to go to school with Chris or someone that used to work in a pub with Guy. 95% of the interview footage is taken up by an ex-producer, biographer - Martin Roach, and some DJ about her thoughts on Coldplay. There is no Coldplay music used in the film. All the background music has been created to resemble Coldplay and it's absolute rubbish. There is probably about three minutes of actual footage of Coldplay but they are not direct interviews. The rest is all photographs of the band. This documentary is the pits. Such filmmaking resources were better invested elsewhere rather than trying to capitalise on the band's success and fans spending money.

Like Fu Mingxia (Asian/ Olympic multi-medalist diver), Wang Junxia (track and field/ world record holder), Gao Min (world/ Olympic multi-medalist in diving) and Li Ning ( gymnastics/ Olympic gold medalist, 1984), Yao Ming (basketball player) is one of the favourites to light the Olympic flame on August 8th 2008. For his training, Liu Xiang -110m hurdles/ Olympic, Asian, world outdoor and world indoor champion- will probably not light the Olympic flame at the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. Xiang's father said, "He has such a weighty responsibility on the track, he will not be the one to light the flame". Liu is one of the most famous athletes in the history.

The sports competition program of the 2008 Beijing Games can include only sports of International Federations recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC): archery, athletics (track and field), badminton, baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, boxing, canoeing (canoe/ kayak), cycling, diving, equestrian, fencing, football (soccer), gymnastics, handball, field hockey, judo, rowing, shooting, softball, synchronized diving, synchronized swimming, swimming (aquatics), table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, triathlon, water polo, weightlifting, volleyball, wrestling (freestyle & Greco-Roman) and yachting (sailing).

The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the 29th Olympiad (BOCOG) sent invitations to all National Olympic Committees around the world (205 countries and territories). Curiously, China does not have formal diplomatic relations with Belize, Burkina Faso, Chad, Costa Rica, Dominica (former British colony in the Caribbean), Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Gambia, Guatemala, Grenada, Haiti, Honduras, Liberia, Malawi, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niger, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Tonga and Tuvalu.

This Asian country has hosted many world championships/ international games:

The 1961 ITTF Table Tennis World Cup, Beijing

The 1991 FIFA Football Women's World Cup, Guangzhou

The 1993 East Asian Games, Shangai

The 1996 Asian Winter Games, Habian

The 1999 World Gymnastics Championship, Tianjin

The 1985 FIFA U-16 World Championship, Beijing

The 2002 FIBA World Championship for Women, Beijing

The 2005 AIBA Boxing World Championship, Mianyang

The 2005 East Asian Games, Macau

The 2006 ISF Softball Women's World Cup, Beijing

The 2006 Lusophony Games, Macau

The 2007 Asian Winter Games, Changchun

The 2007 Asian Indoor Games, Macau

The 2007 FIFA Football Women's World Cup, Shangai

The 2007 WTF World Taekwondo Championship, Beijing

The non- Olympic sports are: aikido, billiards, bodybuilding, bowling, chess, cricket, golf, Kabaddi, karate, kendo, kuoshu, racquetball, roller skating, rugby, sepaktakraw, squash, water skiing.

During the XXIX Summer Olympic Games, the Beijing Hotel will serve as the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and guests. It is one of the most distinguished hotels in the world.

China -it is a little bigger than the United States- has won 112 Olympic gold medals. After their first appearance at the 1984 Olympic Games, the Chinese team has been the most successful team in Asia.








The following countries will participate in the Olympics in China:




4.American Samoa



7.Antigua & Barbuda


















25.Bosnia Herzegovina



28.British Virgin Islands

29.Brunei Darussalam


31.Burkina Faso





36.Cape verde

37.Cayman Islands

38.Central African Republic



41.China (The People's Republic of China)

42.Chinese Taipei




46.Congo Republic

47.Cook Islands

48.Costa Rica

49.Cote d'Ivoire




53.Czech Republic




57.Dominican Republic



60.El Salvador

61.Equatorial Guinea





















82.Hong Kong
















98.Korea, North

99.Korea, South



















118.Marshall Islands
















134.Netherlands Antilles

135.New Zealand










145.Papua New Guinea






151.Puerto Rico





156.Saint Kitts and Nevis

157.Saint Lucia

158.Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


160.San Marino

161.Sao Tome and Principe

162.Saudi Arabia




166.Sierra Leone


168.Slovak Republic


170.Solomon Islands


172.South Africa


174.Sri Lanka













187.Trinidad & Tobago







194.United Arab Emirates

195.United Kingdom

196.United States

197.United States Virgin Islands









Alejandro Guevara Onofre: He is a freelance writer. Alejandro is of Italian, African and Peruvian ancestry. He has published more than seventy-five research paper in English, and more than twenty in Spanish, concerning the world issues, olympic sports, countries, and tourism. His next essay is called "The Dictator and Alicia Alonso". He is an expert on foreign affairs. Alejandro is the first author who has published a world-book encyclopedia in Latin America.

He admires Frida Kahlo (Mexican painter), Jos Gamarra (former president of the Bolivian Olympic Committee ,1970- 1982), Hillary Clinton (ex-First Lady of the USA), and Jimmy Carter (former President of the USA). Alejandro said: "The person who I admire the most is Jos Gamarra . He devoted his professional and personal life to sport. Jos played an important role in the promotion of Olympism in Bolivia -it is one of the Third World`s poorest countries- and Latin America. His biography is interesting". The sportspeople he most admire is Olympic volleyball player Flo Hyman. "This African-American sportswoman is my idol... "

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Your Favorite Band Sucks Men's tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL

Sure, "art for art's sake" is cool... but what if you're pursuing a career as a
songwriter? This article is full of suggestions for how you can tailor your songs to
suit the requirements of music business professionals.

Many of us bemoan the state of commercial music today, but what are you doing to
improve things in your own microcosmic corner of the universe? Are you working to
create the next wave of great material songs that have a lifespan of more than a
few weeks or months? How can you use your talents to actually make a powerful
contribution... and make a living while you're at it?

The first step is to take a good look inside and explore what you as a unique
individual have to say, lyrically and musically. What do you think about, believe in,
stand for? What makes you tick? These precious truths that bubble up from the soul
provide the driving force behind great songwriting. These sparks of inspiration,
these "aha! moments," are what listeners crave when they play a song. They're also
what People Behind Desks are desparate to find. Do you have the courage to lay
bare your personal truth in public? I firmly believe that's what it takes to achieve
success with your songs.

The cynical among us will say, "no, you just need the right equipment, a catchy
hook and a whole lot of money behind you." Sure, those things help, but if you're
trying to break into the business, your song has to simultaneously grab people by
the guts, tickle their ears, and slam them over the head like a 2-by-4. Strive to write
songs that take risks, tap into the universal via the personal, and motivate people to
laugh, cry, feel, dance or take action. Make an effort to innovate, not imitate what's
already out there. In other words, write your passion. Songs miraculously translate
to listeners the exact emotion you felt while you were writing them. Do your best to
work that magic!

Another quality that professionals look for in a song is strong dynamic flow. Skillful
use of the many conventions of songwriting can manipulate listeners in the most
enjoyable way. Don't be afraid to push those emotional buttons! Here are some
ways to go about it:

Suck listeners in with lyrical, melodic and chordal tension.

Create a question in their minds: how will this turn out in the end?

Throw their bodies off balance with chords or melodies that are unexpected or

Take a strong point of view that's boldly provocative, unique or intensely

Paint a vivid picture in the mind's eye.

Set a palpable mood.

Construct an entire sonic and/or lyrical environment.

Once you have piqued people's interest, crank up their involvement using all the
techniques in your lyrical toolbox, i.e. rhyme, meter, imagery, metaphor,
alliteration... you name it. Avoid clichs like the plague, or turn them on their heads
somehow. Experiment until you find the melody lines that best show off your lyrics,
and vice versa. Salt your song with enough repetition to make it memorable, but not
so much that it becomes predictable. Use chord progressions that are fresh,
stimulating the ear rather than lulling it into complacency.

When it comes time for the ultimate payoff, your Hook, don't settle! This is your
Money Shot, and most music biz pros will hit the "eject" button if they don't hear a
strong hook in one listen. One listen! Here are a few ways to enhance your hook:

Construct your song so that all roads, lyrically and melodically, lead to your

Remember that famous music business adage: "Don't bore us, get to the

More hooks is merrier! Instrumental riffs, backups, rhythmical chord movement,
and verse melodies can provide secondary hooks.

Fear not repetition (up to a point, of course).

Throw in memorable "monkey wrench" words that stand out.

Make sure the world can sing along.

Play with the language: use slang, twists of phrase, even invent a new word!

Finally, People Behind Desks really appreciate it if you know your marketplace. Don't
submit a country ballad when their artist is a heavy metal guitar-shredder. And if
you're the performer, have at least 3 crowd-pleasing, radio-ready songs in hand
before you shop a deal. Make a detailed study of the hits in your chosen genres, and
incorporate those lessons into your work. The Internet has made it incredibly easy
to educate yourself about what's selling these days, so there's no excuse for

Look at the world for a moment from the perspective of a music industry pro: They'll
respond positively if they think your song will save their job. By bringing them
dynamic, single-worthy, heartfelt material you'll be well on your way to doing just
that, and creating a career for yourself as well.

Happy songwriting!

2006 by Alex Forbes

Award-winning hit songwriter Alex Forbes has seen over 65 of her songs released, many of them landing on the Billboard charts, on TV and in feature films. Her hits in the U.S. include Dont Rush Me, (Taylor Dayne), Too Turned On, (Alisha) and Nothin My Love Cant Fix. Her song, You Are Water is featured on the hit Classical/Pop album by Hayley Westenra. Alex has taught songwriting since 1990 and has appeared on many music industry panels. She offers one-on-one coaching, song critiques and interactive teleclasses for up-and-coming songwriters on her site,

dance music 2007

Yellowcard - SHIELD T-shirt, Charcoal

Yellowcard is a rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Their music can be classified as pop punk, and contains elements of emocore. A distinct characteristic of the music of Yellowcard is their use of a violin, making them somewhat unique within this genre

I watch "Cold Case" on CBS regularly even though I admit I hate the shows Detective Squad as well as how each case is solved by an unnecessary confession from the killer and then the victim's ghost appears like in a music video, the end. No, I'm not on crack!

The thing I hate most about "Cold Case" is the detectives attitudes. They think they have the right to go gangbusters and accuse every person they interview of being the Anti-Christ. These suspects in turn say they didn't do it and like musical chairs turn the arrogant detectives onto another person to smirk at and be nasty too.

At the end of each episode, without any real solid evidence that would actually get the murderer tried in court or convicted, the killer who has concealed his "perfect crime" for like forever, suddenly decides without a lawyer present, to confess. Magically, the victim's ghost then appears in a trance like kind of music video to swirling or slow dancing music. The end.

I realize "Cold Case" is supposed to be dramatic entertainment for which writers take dramatic liberties to fit the show in an hour format but its a lot easier for me to suspend belief for a show like "Prison Break" then "Cold Case". "Cold Case" tries to present itself in a somber realistic manner but there are a lot of people watching who say, Bogus Man!

If I had my way, as payback to the detectives, I'd do a sequel to a previous episode where it now turns out that the detectives, pressured "the obvious killer" to give a false confession and he's found innocent in Court and truly never did the crime. It would make a great season finale and give the detectives pause for thought on their methods. To top it off, you could have the Ghost of the victim then appearing when the killer is found innocent, finger scolding the detectives to the music of "Ride Your Pony" and see the innocent non-killer smiling with a big grin. The End.

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80s dance music

Brothers & Sisters

Customer Review: A nice edition to your Coldplay library.
Well, here's Coldplay's first release or you. It is quite enjoyable and has much in common with their first album in way of lyrical themes and overall sound. I find it a bit curious that none of these songs found their way onto CP's first record. They would have been better served and more appreciated there, but just as well. These are very good songs at a very fair price. So enjoy!
Customer Review: Own it before its no longer available
Its short but ColdPlay rocks and I own them all.

Latin American Music and Dance form a big part of Latin American culture. The ones that have got us Kiwis excited the most are Salsa, Merengue and Tango. Most Latin bands play a mixture of Salsa and Merengue when performing at Latin clubs around New Zealand. Tango seems to take a back seat and evenings usually start with Tango before the bands arrive. You will also find a bit of Cha Cha happening at the clubs, with the most popular song being "Let's Get Loud"! Most cities in New Zealand have adopted these dances as their own with training institutes and Latin clubs emerging everywhere. On the other hand, at the events you will also see a bit of Rueda with anything from 10 to 50 dancers in the circle.

As the population of dancers taking up Latin Americal dancing is increasing, other variations such as Mambo, Bachata, Cumbia, Rumba. Every now and then, there is an event that has a Bateria followed by Samba all round. Most Brazilian events in Wellington are organised by the guys at Wellington Batucada.

Having said that, Salsa is still the crowd pleaser. Cuban Style Salsa is more popular in New Zealand clubs, although Linear style is gaining in popularity. However, the best dancers seem to save their Linear moves for competitions and performances. With more and more Kiwi dancers getting into in, it shouldn't be long before we start seeing council organised events meant for hundreds of dancers. The new Waitangi Park in Wellington would be a perfect location for a community event of this kind.

Article taken from (

80s dance music

The Singles 1999-2006

2007 limited edtion UK box set containing fourteen 7" vinyl singles.

The Blue Room EP:1. Bigger Stronger2. Don't Panic3. See You Soon4. High Speed5. Such A Rush
Shiver:1. Shiver2. For You3. Careful Where You Stand
Yellow:1. Yellow2. Help Is Round The Corner
Trouble:1. Trouble2. Brothers & Sisters
Don't Panic:1. Don't Panic2. You Only Live Twice - Live From Norway
In My Place:1. In My Place2. One I Love
The Scientist:1. The Scientist2. 1.363. I Ran Away
Clocks:1. Clocks2. Crests Of Waves
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face:1. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face2. Murder
Speed Of Sound:1. Speed Of Sound2. Things I Don't Understand
Fix You:1. Fix You - Video Edit2. The World Turned Upside Down
Talk:1. Talk - Radio Edit2. Gravity
What If:1. What If - Tom Lord Alge Mix2. How You See The World - Live From Earls Court
The Hardest Part:1. The Hardest Part2. Pour Me - Live At The Hollywood Bowl

The singles are housed in a custom white box.

There are so many different genres of dance that one can feel overwhelmed when he or she thinks of learning to dance. However it is not as complicated as it seems.

Firstly, to excel at a certain style it may take years of practice, to be able to cope with several types of dancing is not quite as hard. For many people who enjoy a range of activities, it is much more beneficial to learn a little about each style and not a lot about just one. This is because the usual person in today's world will be exposed and often "pressured" into dancing at a variety of events. Therefore someone may encounter hip-hop, ballroom, and break dancing styles all in a very short period of time.

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the main types of dance and some of the moves needed for each.

Hip-hop is a great dance style to be familiar with as it can be used whenever there is a faster beat. Also, don't think that hip-hop is just for those with baggy pants and lots of neck chains, anyone can benefit from acquiring this skill.

The most basic element of this genre is time-steps, a name also used for ballet moves. These require that you step in certain directions in time with the beat that is playing. "Step-tap" is one of these moves where you step to one side and then follow with your other foot and tapping it as it lands, continue this left and right.

A variation of this is "tap-step" where you tap with your first foot. You can experiment with many variations of these time-steps and maybe even create some of your own.

Another basic movement which looks great with a fast beat is isolations, where you separate movement in the upper body from the lower body. This can mean moving your shoulders back and forward while the rest of your body is still or swiveling your ankles creating movement while the rest of your body is still. These moves are the basics of hip-hop dance and should help in any club or dance party.

Ballroom dances can be some of the most difficult to perform perfectly due to the high levels of coordination required. However with some very handy tips, you should be able to impress, even if it's only at your next wedding.

Firstly, always move in a counterclockwise direction and the closer you are to the middle of the dance floor, the slower you should go. This is a helpful tip to remember as it gives direction and purpose which will affect the rest of your dancing. Another easy tip is that if you are a woman, you should start with your right foot as opposed to a man, who should lead with his left.

If you want to impress your dancing partner, try this one technique. Just before you launch off, lean into the direction you will go and lean according to how far you will step. This tells your partner you are ready to go and does not jerk them roughly. These tips will hopefully save you from embarrassment on the slower dance floors where everything is under scrutiny.

Although break dancing may sound like something you would never want to do let alone try doing, break dancing for beginners can give you a few simple moves that will help keep you in time with the beat while helping you relax and enjoy your time spent dancing.

These moves are for the club or disco although you are free to show them off at the next ball or wedding you attend. The first move is the hand glide and just requires you to put one hand on the floor and tuck the other into your chest, then use your free hand to push yourself around until you are spinning on your hand. You can go as fast as you can manage. A head spin is a great looking move which isn't as hard as it seems, place your head and hands on the floor and spin around. Much practice may be needed!

Not only are these moves fun, but they are great at building muscle strength.

So don't worry if you can't master all of these techniques, as long as you got some handy tips then you are already much better off. You are probably now a much better dancer than the average person. If you were very intrigued by one or more of these styles then maybe you should take up a course in your local town or city in order to really improve your skills. You may not have seen yourself as a dancer but it is something that with a little practice, anyone can impress with.

Ant Onaf is a content producer in association with ( ), an online retailer which sell videos to those who want to learn how to dance.

latin music festival

La Usurpadora

Customer Review: Gaby Spanic Rocks!
When I seen this novela I was so glued to the TV I couldn't wait to see it everyday and sat-sun were the worse! I am so very happy they release such a classic on DVD. Granted, it may be edited and short but I think the reason why they did that was because they figured people who are buying it already know what happens. In my case, I wouldn't need the complete novela because I already saw it and I just wouldn't have the time. So this being edited has it's advantages for those who already saw it and loved it. After this novela, Gaby Spanic became one of my favorite spanish actresses! She did such a wonderful job and how brutal she was portraying the mean sister! I highly suggest you invest in this novela!
Customer Review: A Fantastic Story!!
A nice edited guys should buy this..even though there's no subtitile..but you can easily understand the whole guys should buy this DVD!!

Private boarding schools are schools that do not depend upon government funds- they are run by private trusts and funds. These schools have their own curriculum, regulations and admission processes. Private boarding schools have always been very popular with the rich and the elite. Traditional boarding schools have high standards for enrolling students, who develop into smart, successful adults. Students from boarding schools are expected to be self-motivated, accomplished, confident people with a lot of personal integrity and pride.

Private boarding schools help all kinds of students excel academically so that they are accepted into major colleges in the country. Private boarding schools focus strictly on academics. Classes are held 5 days a week, with study times throughout the week. The students are tested on a weekly basis and parents are sent the grade report cards to let them know how their children are doing in school. Those who do not perform up to standards are tutored and are given extra credit work to help them bring up their grades. Students learn math, history, English, geography, economics, biology, chemistry, French, Spanish, social studies, marketing, science, and many other subjects.

Apart from academics, these schools concentrate on making better individuals out of their students. Art, health and physical education are given as much importance as academics. Performing arts (dance, music, drama, public speaking/debating), visual arts (painting, drawing, pottery, woodwork, photography, textile arts, sculpture, fashion designing, culinary arts, martial arts) and service (library, community service, and environmental clubs) are some of the other activities. Outdoor activities like rugby, rowing, basketball, hockey, tennis, soccer, search & rescue, sailing, volleyball, golf, swimming and squash help students develop physically and morally.

Private boarding schools are independent. They have their own admission rules and programs. Private boarding schools can be looked up on the Internet.

Boarding Schools provides detailed information on Boarding Schools, Boarding Schools For Troubled Teens, Boys' Boarding Schools, Christian Boarding Schools and more. Boarding Schools is affiliated with Military High Schools.

top dance music

A String Quartet Tribute to Coldplay

Includes ten of Coldplay's greatest hits, performed by string quartets. Coldplay's relaxing sound lends itself beautifully to the string quartet format.

Aside from the music that you will have at your reception as the party gets under way for your wedding, you will also need to have some instrumental music planned for your ceremony walk down the aisle. Instrumental wedding music can also be used for your reception entrance music and for your first dance if you so desire. Here are 5 of the most popular options.

1. The Classical Masters. These are composers from many years ago like Beethoven, Bach, Handel, Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Verdi. They have composed elegant, wonderful music that is romantic and perfect for weddings.

2. Love song classics. Instead of dancing to a sung version of your favorite song, let your love shine through by dancing to an instrumental version of it. Something with gorgeous music like the theme song from Love Story or a contemporary twist on My Heart Will Go On from Titanic can all be wonderful for your wedding.

3. An instrumental choice for your wedding may be strange for some people as nowadays most people want to party all night long. If you are having a morning or afternoon wedding, however, you can have soft background music for when the guests arrive and during your reception lunch.

4. Light jazz or lounge music will add just the right atmosphere for a Cuban style wedding reception. A sensual rumba or salsa can be played and to make the evening more enjoyable you can have professional dancers there to show you a few of the cool moves.

5. Another instrumental wedding music choice is a funkier one. This is that of dance music. For a younger crowd this will get everyone dancing to create a more nightclub type venue. You can also use trans music and certain types of house music. Just be sure to include some other styles to ensure that everyone of every age has fun.

Jhong Ren owns an authority wedding blog and he aims to provide 1 million wedding couples wedding planning help and relationship commitment problem. His Wedding Blog is at

Jhong Ren is the best selling author of the Plan Your Fabulous Wedding Series. Need help planning my wedding? You can find it at

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