If you are starting to learn to sing, but haven't found a teacher yet, you may find it hard to know which songs to try out on your own. People often start by picking something by their favourite singer, but all too often this means they are attempting a song that is way too hard for a beginner. For instance, stars like Mariah Carey or Leona Lewis are able to sing very high notes and complicated rhythms, so these may not be easy songs for beginners. That's why I have compiled a list of great songs for beginners.
In my twenty years of teaching singing, I have found the following songs to be of huge benefit to the student when starting to learn to sing. The songs have been selected because they display the following characteristics:
Memorable melody
Not too high
Good length of phrases
No awkward leaps or intervals
Straight forward rhythm
In English
Here's the list:
- Amazing Grace (traditional)
- Blue Moon (Richard Rodgers)
- Summertime (Gershwin)
- Autumn Leaves (Josef Kosma)
- Top of the World (The Carpenters)
- He's got the Whole world in His hands (spiritual)
- Oh when the Saints go marching in (trad)
- I don't know how to love him (from Jesus Christ Superstar)
- On my Own (from Les Miserables)
- My Bonnie lies over the Ocean (trad Scottish)
- Swing Low sweet Chariot (trad)
- You are my Sunshine (Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell)
As you can see, quite a few of these songs are traditional songs. Generally speaking, traditional songs can be a good choice as they tend to be simple without a big range. So, once you have mastered some of the above list, you can easily find more traditional songs to try out, by searching on the internet or going to a music library.
London-born Helen Astrid has a remarkable knowledge and talent for teaching people how to sing, from complete beginners with stage fright to professionals in the music industry. In her latest book, Singing Tips at your Finger Tips, she reveals cutting-edge techniques which will not only improve confidence, but will transform your voice. For more info and free tips and articles, visit her website at http://www.singingtipsatyourfingertips.com
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