Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beginner Guitar Online Lessons - Looking for The Little Blue Pill?

Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to take a pill and suddenly wake up one morning and find that you can play guitar like Eric Clapton? Films like Matrix featured this concept, but Hollywood is Hollywood and real life, as everyone knows, is quite different.

Although this magic pill does not exist when it comes to learning to play the guitar, one thing is certainly true: If the lessons you have chosen are not well structured and laid out, your learning curve will be more of a straight horizontal line, gently inclined upwards.

When I was young, I earnestly wanted to learn to play the guitar, but we were five children in my family so money was quite scarce, and I had to learn 'the hard way'. This trial & error method worked, as I now realize that I was quite musically inclined and very set on my goal, but I ended up spending a lot of time needlessly. What I learned in my first five years of consistent 6 hour daily sessions, could easily have been learned with a proper method and teacher in less than 6 months ...and spending just an hour a day on the instrument!

I can tell you first hand that there is a big difference between learning the right way and the wrong way. Experienced teachers and good methods will make you progress like you've never dreamed possible. And if your problem is money there's a very good alternative to hiring a private teacher: Online guitar lessons.

For less than $100 you can get quality lessons with videos, backing tracks, TAB plus musical notation and software bonuses to boot! Sure, you can find free lessons all over the web, but having the information is no guarantee you'll know how to use it effectively to learn quickly.

As a beginner guitarist, you need someone to tell you what goes first and what follows in a step-by-step manner. Yours is the goal you wish to achieve, but it's up to a well structured course to get you there.

Ruben Cardos has been a non stop studio and live musician as well as sound technician, electronics technician and sporadic guitar teacher for well over 25 years. Check out the ultimate Online Electric Guitar Lessons reviews at:


latin music com

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