You can learn a lot about email marketing from Latin dancing. In fact you can learn the biggest secret to exploding your profits in nearly any market.
I do a little Latin dancing. That's how I met my beautiful fiancee Pamela - a real live rocket scientist.
She must be the most stunning rocket scientist in history. No wonder Columbia crashed.
Just kidding - she had nothing to do with that particular space shuttle. The space shuttle she worked with came home just fine.
Why do I say Latin dancing can explode your marketing profits...?
In salsa dancing there are 6 steps in the basic movement (3 forward, 3 back). In cha cha there are 10.
When you learn to dance you quickly learn that there are a series of steps required to do a movement properly. It's the same with email marketing.
People go through a process before they buy and generally speaking the process is longer the higher the price of the product or service. Most people will take a lot longer to buy a house than a bag of apples for example.
One study showed that most people buy AFTER the sixth contact from a sales person.
Understanding this will help you create the multiple steps you need in your marketing to take your prospects from A-Z step by step.
Also in dancing your moves are fluid - they flow with the music and your partner.
And that's how your marketing should be - each step should flow with your prospect, where they're at and their needs and desires.
So look at what key information your prospect needs to make a buying decision and then use your email autoresponder series to get that information to them at key times.
Emails leading to short reports, audio and video are very powerful.
Most important is to constantly analyze and improve on the way you help your prospects step by step to understand exactly how and why it will benefit them to do business with you.
I've set up email lists where over 60% of the subscribers click through to the site from an email.
Most email marketers are lucky to get a 5% click through rate.
The secret to creating a powerful email list is to really think through how you can give outstanding value to your list FIRST.
Then think about creating a sequence of emails where you might send out links to quality content in 2 emails then a link to a product offer then 2 more links to quality content and so on.
For more of Andrew Cavanagh's free insider tips on creating powerful email autoresponder series and online sales copy...for free reports, video, audio and more go to
latin music lyrics
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