Monday, August 25, 2008

Why You Still Can't Play the Piano

You've spent good money on books. Workbooks, lesson books, other books on piano playing. But you still can't play the piano. Why not?

Two reasons. One, you lack motivation. That's understandable. After all, most lesson books require you to learn how to read music first, then play other people's music. Pretty uncreative if you ask me.

The second reason is you haven't learned how to use chords. Music, real music is created with chords as the foundation. In music there are 3 aspects; rhythm, melody, and harmony. Harmony is created with chords. Chords can give you melody and rhythm. Weird huh? But once you have chords under your eager fingers, you're not far off from making music.

Now that you know chords are foundational for your creative success at the piano, you're left with what to play, or what style to play in. Most people just want to learn how to play the classics. They want to learn how to read music so Bach, Beethoven and Mozart come to life through them. A noble goal but guess what? You're still playing other peoples music.. no matter how good it is.

Wouldn't it be great if you could create your own music? But how you're wondering. Very easily. By using chords! I'm a big fan of the New Age piano style. It's very impressionistic and attractive. Chords are used to create with and a complete beginner can begin improvising AND composing music literally within minutes! Fantastic sounds begin to appear and students are amazed what comes out of them.

Now they can truly play the piano. The creative juices flow as the warm sound of the piano floats in the air. Passerby's wonder where that sound is coming from. You smile as they pass as your gift of music gently descends upon their ears.

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Visit now and get a FREE piano lesson!

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