Friday, July 25, 2008

Exitos en Video

Customer Review: Sound engeneer where are you?
The sound quality is horrendous, Mana make a lot of money off there fans I could not believe my ears. I end up play the cd and the videos Simultaneously to be happy. A live concert DVD is needed MANA.
Customer Review: Great Mexican rock band, great songs but...
When they made the DVD, there are some things they should have changed on it. If you're a Mana fan, you'll know all the songs. One live track, a cover of "El Rey" filmed in Montreux Switerland shows of Alex Gonzalez's drumming, something that doesn't come through on their studio tracks. As far as the videos themselves go, you see it going from something that is borderline public access video, to some embarrassing videos that are kind of humorous, to a more polished look towards the "Suenos Liquidos" videos, where it ends. Nothing from "Revolucion de Amor" or their song with Carlos Santana "Corazon Espinado" (which is on Carlos' "Supernatural" DVD) is included. Here's the complaints that I found more annoying than anything: the cover of Led Zeppelin's "Fool in the Rain", straight off of the "Econium" tribute video is them in the studio talking about recording the song. It either should be the full song or in the "extras". It's something that you wind up forwarding and gets annoying real fast. "Clavado En Un Bar" has 5 minutes of the "making of", yet you can't skip the making of, you have to forward it. Another one that belongs in the "extras". It's something that we should be able to enjoy with the TV on or off. The "in betweens" can get a little noisy at times but isn't a big deal. It's not in Surround Sound, but you can hear it playing in all the speakers. I'd like to see them revamp this one a little bit to make it more "DVD-friendly" and put out a live DVD which shows off how great they are in concert. Even if you don't understand Spanish, the music alone is good enough to enjoy...

It is too simple to learn, how one should play the blue guitar scale. The masters would definitely feel to most easy and smooth playing. However, playing guitar is an art. It is necessary to be in right hands to get wonderful music and beautiful rhythms. But suppose, it falls in wrong hands then, it will definitely sound unsophisticated as well as atonal. The person with right knowledge of playing blue scale guitar can release wonderful sound similar like an expert. It will make people shock and wondering, how anyone can learn so long about music theory fear. Well, the answer the answer of experts is, you just need to everything about blues scale, which covers every important thing one lesson itself.

The blues guitar scale is almost parallel or alike to that of the minor pentatonic scale. Well, it was resulted with indulgence of the flat fifth. The flat fifth is too unique and different having atonal quality. Well, it almost sounds having evil overtones and almost too dark sounding. Before so many years, it is believed that hundreds of years back the flat fifth was recognized as "The Devil's note". It was banned to use at many different places, it was believed that it invokes the devils.
Now days, people are getting more temperate towards the some of the interesting rhythms and their sounds as well. These interesting sounds are of the flat fifth. the other name given to these sounds are "blue" note. You will find that it has being applied or used everywhere over everything - different sound tracks. It is applied over rock and blues at same time from blues to jazz as well as from heavy metal to different world music.

Don't you feel to have knowledge about the method of playing blues guitar scale?


Here, is small diagram describing about how you should play the blues guitar scale. There are two different signs "X" and "O". Well, they describe about the notes, which describe and make the scale. It is not at all difficult to add extra note inside. It does not require much expertise as well in adding additional note.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about blue scale for guitar visit Acoustic Guitar Site for current articles and discussions.

80s dance music

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